
Using our homes to glorify Christ.

Tip #3 from Brenda Bray February 4, 2009

Filed under: Bathrooms,Kitchens,Time Management,Tips from Brenda Bray — Melissa @ 5:49 am

“Time yourself, just one time, on how long it takes to clean the bathroom or empty the diswasher or even clean up the kitchen for the evening. When I realized it only took about five minutes to empty the dishwasher, I could remember in the future that it was not a big task and I could do it as I waited for the children to put their shoes on. I timed myself for the bathroom cleanup and realized most of it can be done while children are in the tub playing. If you are always feeling that there is a mountain to cleanup that will take hours, time it and know in the future it does not take all day.”